Monday, February 21, 2011

So, what do you do??

After weeks of waiting, I was finally asked the dreaded question.  I hated getting that question even when I was Assistant Vice President because it seemed the only ones who ever asked were stay-at-home moms and how I coveted their job. During those questions, oh how I dreamed of saying, I AM A STAY AT HOME MOM, chest busting with pride. However, this morning, being asked that question, it didn't seem to have the same satisfaction as I thought it would.  Particularly when the response was OH?!. I can't help but think if months earlier my response was the same?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Finally did it

So, After  years of daydreaming what it would be like, I finally did it and quit my job.  It wasn't a bad job. Lots of things I liked about it. Made my own hours, came and went as I pleased, on the way to climbing the corporate ladder, and hate to admit it but the money was very good. If I didn't have to go in everyday and deal with those still part of"the good ole boys club", It would have been perfect.
I thought about "retiring" 6 years ago when I became Hugh's Mom (I have to be careful of that word "retiring" as I have found over the past month that those always are only are too young to retire!) But, when you return to work after having a baby, and you have the flexibility to be a mom and a career woman, it is hard to give up. Then they start moving you up the corporate ladder and you start thinking that contrary to what is always reported on the TODAY show that you can have it all.
However, the day I put Hugh on the bus for kindergarten, I started thinking about what was it all that I was getting? And what did I give up?
 So, 5 months later, I quit. With nothing more than the support of my husband.  We didn't know if we could even financially do it. However, for the first time in 37 years, I finally threw caution to the wind and did not what was expected of me, but what I wanted to do. And so, the first day of truly being HUGH'S MOM begins...