Friday, May 6, 2011

Remembering it is not always perfect

Hugh, my 5 year old, lost his first tooth today.  Momentous occasion, however, he didn't even know he lost it and doesn't know where it is. We were just sitting at the dinner table, I looked over and noticed a gap in his mouth.  Normally, a situation like this, I would be calling everyone I know sharing this event. However, I feel slightly embarrassed.  How could he have lost a tooth and not only did I not immediately notice, I cannot find it? How long has it been gone? More than a day? A Week??? I feel like a terrible mom.
Early this morning, 4 am, I stumbled upon an article about Derek Miller, the Canadian blogger, dying of cancer, who wrote his final post. His own obituary. He wrote about missing out. How we can plan how we want things to work out but we can't expect them to work out.

I have to remind myself that it if I worry too much about how things are suppose to be, or how they are suppose to go, I am missing out.  I am keeping the dream. The vision. But I am losing what is real. Real moments I will not get back.

I am a perfectionist. Hugh losing his first tooth wasn't the perfect way I had envisioned it. But, I can't imagine it happening any other way.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm back!!

haven't posted in a while. Where does the time go?  I can never seem to get my to do list done.  I always got it done while I was working outside the home...why not now?  i think because before I did it to get it done and not it is done to perfection.  I am a perfectionist.  need to work on that.  I am also a list maker. cannot function without it.  So, what has been happening the past 3 months..... WE ARE MOVING.  Going to San Antonio.  Craig got a good job offer out there so off we go.  I am excited, but nervous.  Downside is that he started the first of the year and we wanted to wait till Hugh got out of school before we went.  5 weeks left till we are all together.  Found a house down there.. need to sell this one...
Off for now..  dinner and homework is the excitement of the night.

BTW.....I don't miss it at all