Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm back!!

haven't posted in a while. Where does the time go?  I can never seem to get my to do list done.  I always got it done while I was working outside the home...why not now?  i think because before I did it to get it done and not it is done to perfection.  I am a perfectionist.  need to work on that.  I am also a list maker. cannot function without it.  So, what has been happening the past 3 months..... WE ARE MOVING.  Going to San Antonio.  Craig got a good job offer out there so off we go.  I am excited, but nervous.  Downside is that he started the first of the year and we wanted to wait till Hugh got out of school before we went.  5 weeks left till we are all together.  Found a house down there.. need to sell this one...
Off for now..  dinner and homework is the excitement of the night.

BTW.....I don't miss it at all

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